Tuesday, September 19, 2017

News from CAM                                                                                                         September 18, 2017
Dear Loved Ones All,
It has been a busy week starting with Monday and the usual laundry, cleaning, etc.  We also seemed to have plenty of Relief Society stuff to do.  Elder Macbeth helped me post the upcoming enrichment night on the ward web page plus make a flyer for it and one for the Women’s General Broadcast this coming Saturday.  We have made visits to the Mission Office to pick up mail and Book of Mormons including a Vietnamese one for someone in the hospital.  Then there are orders for the Bishop’s Storehouse that need to be made, picked up, and delivered.  Those are interspersed with a Costco run for gas and groceries and the usual cookie baking.  I made 144 cookies this time.  We had District Meeting on Wednesday the same day as Mary’s Kitchen, so we had to take pictures PDQ.  I told them nobody got their cookies until after photos were done.  Then we hustled to May’s Kitchen.  It is always a nice interlude in our week.  However we now have WMCM (Ward Missionary Coordination Meeting) Wednesday afternoon so we have to hurry if there is a big donation come into Mary’s, which sometimes makes us late.  Afterwards, Elder Macbeth took me home and he went down to Laguna Niguel to pick up our youngest daughter, her husband, and their little daughter while I stayed for my R.S. presidency meeting...I hadn’t had one for 2 weeks because my counselors and secretary were out of town.  Needless to say, we got to be grandparents again this past week.  By that I mean we got to take some of our kids and grandkids to Disneyland.  Our Bishop and one of his co-workers helped 6 of us get in so that we only had to purchase 2 tickets.  With the ones under age that means 11 of us went.  Watching the grandkids on the rides was such a delight.  Most of the time they are so entertaining, but they definitely were ready to go home by the time we left.  We got to have the Groppers stay with us Wednesday night and Thursday night. And got to show them off at the Mission Office on Friday before we took them back to Laguna Niguel to Brad and Becky’s house.
Friday Evening we attend the Missionary Departure Dinner at the Mission Home with President and Sister Golden.  The food was delicious and it was fun visiting during dinner.  After dinner all the missionaries got to share what they learned and their testimonies. I was glad that we were invited to attend.  I must say how much you come to love and appreciate all those whom you serve with while on a mission, and how much you miss them when they or we are no longer around.
We have gotten to deliver some of our remaining Del Parson prints to key people here in the Mission field.  They are always so pleased and feel honored to get a personally signed print.  So Del, thank you many, many times from the recipients of your wonderful talent.
The Bishop canceled all pre-block meetings for the rest of the month, so this Sunday we didn’t have to be to church until shortly before 9:00 am when sacrament meeting started.  It really seemed like we were sleeping in, and didn’t have to hurry at all.  Since the Bishop was out of town Elder Macbeth didn’t have to stay while the Bishop did interviews either.  It almost seemed weird. 
Raine and Nils invited us to come up to their place for a Sunday dinner before we head home so we drove up to Glendora.  She had also invited Kelvin and Ernie, and several of her kids and families were also free, so we had a great family gathering.  She is an excellent cook so the food was fabulous and the company was fantastic.  A great time was had by all.  Amazingly, we were home on time.
It is late so I am going to end with my usual.
Be grateful.   Love, Sister and Elder Macbeth      Go!      Find!!      WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Smile

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