• News from CAM                                                                                                        September 11, 2017
    Dear Loved Ones All,
    Another busy week in Anaheim.  I continue with much of my days doing lots of things that the Relief Society president does,  some visits, Visiting Teaching changes (although I was surprised that there were only 3 that were requested), filling out Bishop’s Storehouse orders, writing letters to send to our inactives, etc.  Elder Macbeth was asked to write letters for the Bishop inviting (and explaining) the self-reliance program and so between his letters and mine, we have sent at least 80 letters out this past week. 
    We also was asked to go to one of the hospitals in our ward boundaries to give a sister in the psychiatric ward a blessing and possibly the sacrament.  That was a new experience.  When we got there we were asked whom we were visiting, and unless you specify in Unit 3, they have no record, so the first time we went they said they did not have a patient by that name so we left.  We were given a couple of phone numbers to call and one was a phone that is taken to the patient and she said she had been there for weeks and was desperate to have a blessing and the sacrament.  She sounded almost hysterical.  So we returned and found out the “routine” for being admitted to see her.  With our badges we could get in to see her as clergy during regular hours instead of only 6-8 pm which are the visiting hours, and no food is admitted, but we were able to take her three Book of Mormons.  If asked they will provide water and bread.  The last few times she has seemed much calmer and she has brought friends that she has given scriptures to and have also asked for blessing. 
    On Labor Day we joined the Senior Couples from the Mission Office at the park for a picnic.  Elder and Sister Fox brought a cheese and fruit tray and some mini cupcakes, the Thomlinsons brought chips and fruit juice, the Westergards brought veggies and stopped and picked up 4 Subway footlongs and we brought watermelon and a tomato, cucumber, pepper salad and paper plates and plastic service ware, and a knife to cut the sandwiches into 8 pieces so we each could have a taste of the different sandwiches.  We also brought our Phase 10 cards and played a few rounds after dinner.  It was fun for all of us. 
    When we got home from the park I discovered that my keys were missing.  Elder Macbeth wanted to know which ones…just my car keys with its electronic fob, the electric fob for the church, and the key to the Relief Society closet.  Sigh, I sure miss the pockets in the pants I used to wear since none of my dresses or skirts have pockets.  With heartfelt prayer we returned to the park.  By then it was pitch black so I was glad that my phone also has a nice flash light.  Tender mercy, we found the keys within a few minutes laying on the grass between the picnic tables and the curb where we had parked the car.  We were definitely blessed and expressed to the Lord our gratitude right then. 
    On Tuesday we made a trip to the bank for change, dropped Elder Macbeth’s suit off at the cleaners, and went to the Post Office to mail some birthday cards, then stopped at the UPS store to check out possibilities for shipping a few things home.  (Elder Macbeth says we have accumulated too much stuff to fit into the car and that would be less expensive than getting a bigger car…can you imagine that!)  We also got a call from Karly asking us to take her to the emergency.  When we picked her up she told us that the hospital she wanted to go to was down in Santa Ana.  Poor girl, she seems to be at urgent care or the hospital all the time.  Since it was Tuesday Elder Macbeth needed to go to the church to be there during Bishop’s interviews and to attend bishopric meeting.  I worked on R.S. stuff and visited with those waiting to see the bishop.
    One of the fun things we did this week was to go to a Chinese/Japanese restaurant for tempura.  It was the one I saw that was having a grand opening last week but we couldn’t find it when we went back to look for it.  The food was good and the service was great. 
    I also mended a couple of problem pants and a broken bag this week.  We got to go to serve at Mary’s Kitchen which is always fun.  We helped serve lunch and wash up the pots and pans in a very timely manner.  Zee who is one of the people in charge on Wednesdays always tells me that she has instructed all the missionaries who come in to help to wash the dishes in “Sister Macbeth’s way.”  I must say it does help it get done much more quickly.  Just as we finished with putting the pans away and were ready to leave a huge donation from Albertsons arrived.  It took all of us the about an hour to get it sorted, find space in the refrigerators for the perishable items, and figure out where to put the breads and other items.  We were 10 minutes late to our WMCM, but so were our Sisters because they were there at Mary’s Kitchen that day too.  That evening I made molasses cookies for Thursday’s Districts Meeting.  They are some of my favorite, so I actually eat them.  Most of the missionaries say that they are a favorite also, but it seems like they always say that no matter which cookies I bring.
    I led the opening song at District Meeting so that we could practice as a group “Called to Server.”  We had been asked to sing it for the Adult Session of Stake Conference on Saturday night.  The missionaries sang it like they normally do any opening song.  Our District Leader, Elder Mills had them stand up and do it again so this time I told them to drown out the piano and to smile.  He said he wasn’t so worried about our performance after that.  If he had told me it was a real practice in the first place I would have known what was expected.  After District Meeting and dropping off cookies at the Mission Office we went to visit our Hungarian Lady.  She has not bounced back after her stint in the hospital and care facility.  She said she was sure I was mad at her because we hadn’t been to visit her since last week.  I not sure how she is going to fare when we leave to go home.  Maybe we’ll just have a set time that we can call her so that her son will be sure that she’ll answer the phone since she rarely does that anymore because of all the solicitations.
    We only had 18 or 19 at the Book of Mormon class, but there were at least 3 investigators.  They all seem to enjoy reading and discussing the Book of Mormon as a class. 
    After planning on Friday we went to visit Keith.  His friend Eric was there taking care of him.  He has applied to be a “care giver” through social services but as we all know things that go through the system take forever.  I hope he is approved for a couple of reasons, the first that he actually cares about the welfare of Keith, second he is conscientious about doing a good job, and third he would be absolutely reliable.  A win win in my opinion.  We went to Costco for gas and groceries and took some boxes to Karly.  She keeps hoping that they will move.  On our way home we stopped at Joe’s Italian Ice for deliciousness.  I got my usual Mango Tango and Elder Macbeth got his Badda Bing.  Yum.  The Westergards called and asked us if they could take us out to dinner.  We went to Yong Ming for some fabulous Asian food.  We even had leftovers for the next day.  We then went the strip mall near there to walk off some of the calories that we had just consumed.  There was a used book store that we had to explore.  I found a Norman Rockwell book of his illustrations that I couldn’t pass up and a complete set of Dominoes that went up to the 12s.  They were $4.00 each so I was delighted.  We then came back to our place and played Dominoes after Elder Macbeth thoroughly washed them.  A delightful evening with good friends.  Scriptures and prayers were a little late.
    Saturday began with cleaning the church.  We opted to do the kitchen.  Dirty!  It took us a solid 2 hours and that was with the Sisters coming to help us finish the last 15 minutes.  I must say that I didn’t check the refrigerators but President Douglas was bring in bottled water for the light supper that evening, so I didn’t think I wanted to have to pull them out just to put them back, so I’ll check the fridges later. 
    It was our Stake Conference so Elder Macbeth had a Priesthood Leadership meeting at 4:00 pm.  I stayed out in the car for a 15 minute nap.  I also got to make some phone calls, but soon enough it was quite warm even though we were parked in the shade so I went in and helped set up for the dinner that the missionaries were invited to prior to our final song practice.  I was surprised that I ended up being their chorister, but then sometimes the plans are last minute.  Bishop Kimbrell was the organist for all 3 sessions of Stake Conference and he played the piano for us.  It was a marvelous rendition as the missionaries put their hearts and souls into the song.  The meeting was centered around missionary work and temple work and was awesome.
    Sunday our ward choir was joined by a few other members of our stake to sing a couple of songs that the stake president requested:  “Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love…” and “Once in Royal David’s City.”
    The topics were the same as Saturday evenings as well as the importance of being prepared.  The meeting was well worth attending.  Afterwards the Bishop sent us a text saying that the sister at Anaheim Global requested another blessing and the sacrament.  Elder Macbeth called the Elders to meet us there.  This time she brought 3 additional people.  There are only supposed to be 2 persons admitted at a time but they let all 4 of us in.  Amazing what “clergy” are allowed.  After we leave, unless the Bishop assigns some of the members, it will be up to the Elders to administer so it was good to introduce them to a different aspect of their calling. 
    Maycee, Karly’s 3 year old daughter called us on her mom’s phone, while mom was resting.  Surprise for mom when she hears her daughter conversing with someone when she is supposed to be laying down in her room.  LOL, kids are so smart these days.  Anyway, we went over later so I could show Karly different ways to make cards because she asked how it is done.  I told her that the Dollar Store is a good place to get a lot of the supplies. 
    We got to Facetime with Kristina and her family.  Our newest little grandson is just like the rest, so cute!  Our oldest daughter Jayann and Bridger were there (Tall Paul was taking a nap so he could drive back to Kennewick) and so we got to see 5 grandchildren.  Bridger is growing like a little weed, and Kristina’s oldest kid were showing off their newly acquired Halloween costumes.  Oh so fun!!!!!
    I have rambled on about enough of our week.  We so love you all.  Thank you to those who send back a quick message.  It keeps us motivated and in the loop.  Have a wonderful next week and be totally grateful for the blessing which we have been abundantly blessed.
    Love, Sister and Elder Macbeth           Go!     Fight/Love!      WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       Smile