Monday, March 13, 2017

Sorry--I think I forgot to forward last week's adventures hearing about boot-legging!

     As we were leaving our neighbor's 93rd birthday party three kids started running through the big field behind where we live, and after they all had jumped the ditch and were making a break towards the pond, their dad, who was standing next to us, says, "Aaawh, just like run away slaves." I couldn't help but to laugh, he said it so kindly, but I've never heard someone use that comparison before!
         Yesterday in the 3rd hour block of church we were discussing the Gospel and good old James Jones made a comment about the way he was taught about heaven before he joined the church. He said, "They told me if was going to heaven that I was going to sit there and play the harp.. .I can't play the radio--let alone the harp!"  Then he went on to tell about how when he learned how we see the Celestial Kingdom, and our progression in the eternities, that it just made so much sense to him.
         Last week Elder Pruitt lost the gas credit card. Four days after he lost it I asked him if had found it yet, he informed me that he hadn't, and told me that he had prayed and even fasted about it. Then Elder Pruitt said,  "I bet it's right under my seat in the car." So I made us go out right then to look for it and he didn't even look under the seat so I walked around to his side of the car and it was right there under the seat where he said it would be--in eyesight;  I didn't even have to bend down. So I picked up the gas card and put it on the dashboard and let Elder Pruitt keep looking until he finally saw it. Where he put it was brought back to his remembrance and when we went to look for it--he didn't even look there... but oh, well, he learned his lesson. Well, I guess he did. He said he did.
         On Thursday we went and taught Natilee at the Stainbacks house across the street from us. We taught the Restoration and it was great. The Spirit was strong and she understood. When Elder Pruitt invited her to be baptized she agreed and we set a date for her to be baptized, . . . . and not only that, but the next week the youth are going on a temple trip, so one week after she will be baptized she will be able to go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead! She was going to be at church on Sunday but it snowed so she didn't come (none of the snow stuck but people here in North Carolina don't know what to do when they see snow).
         While I was gone in Mount Olive on Friday we were looking for an address so we knocked on this trailer to see if they could help. The curtain in the window of the door was pushed back and this really short little old Mexican lady looks at us an with a thick accent asks, "Immigration?!" We said,  "NO,  NO,  not immigration: missioneros." She was still confused, so after telling her in our best Spanish (our Spanish is horrendous) that we are Missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints they welcomed us in and gave us something to drink and were so nice, but we spoke zero real Spanish, so we left and sent the Hermanas in Monte Olivo (that's Mount Olive in Spanish).
         Lots of good is happening out here. Transfers are in 2 weeks so we will see! Have a blessed week ya'll!
---Elder White

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