Wednesday, March 29, 2017

News from CAM                                                                                             March 9, 2017

Dear Loved Ones All,

I almost considered waiting to write an email until Monday since it is so late in the week, but I woke up extra early this morning so I decided that was the Lord telling me not to be so lazy and write.  We of course had the usual attempts to visit but we finally caught up to one of our members that we have wanted to visit for a while.  The last time we caught him home he told us he was the gardener and even though his grandson had told us who he was, he never admitted it himself.  We had a note from a relative who wanted some information from him so she could do family history so we rang his door bell.  We could see through the house to the back yard that he was working raking something.  He didn’t hear the doorbell so we rang it again to no avail.  We looked to see if there was a way into the back yard, but the fence was very high with no apparent latch so we decided that we would have to come back later.  As we were driving away Elder Macbeth noticed another car in the driveway that wasn’t there before, so we made a U turn and went back up to the door.  As before, we could see him working in the back yard, but nobody came to answer the doorbell, and he didn’t seem to hear it.  That was when I noticed that the patio door was opened so I knocked really hard on the door.  Yay, he looked up and saw me waving at him through the front door.  He put down his rake and opened the garage door and we had a delightful visit with him.  We told him that last time he said he said he was the gardener but his grandson had told us who he was.  He laughed said he was the gardener because no one else in the family would do it, but that it was good exercise.  Anyway we told him we would return to see how he was doing and he seemed okay with that.  We also was able to catch a sister who gave us her phone number so we could call for a visit since she is hardly ever home, but somehow we misplaced it.  We just happened to catch her before she left again.  A tender mercy for us. 

For FHE we invited the Westergards and the Foxes to dinner for pulled pork sliders to use up the rolls that were left over from the ward dinner.  I had a whole sheet cake left over so desert was taken care of, and I also planned to do root beer floats with the tub of ice cream that we left in the freezer at church, also left from the ward dinner.  It was a full tub of ice cream, and I didn’t think I had room in my freezer so I left it over the weekend.  Lo and behold, someone thought it was manna from heaven because when we went to retrieve it, it was gone, so we had to buy some more, in a smaller container this time.  Elder Macbeth gave the lesson and we had a lovely relaxed evening visiting. 
Elder Macbeth got to go get a temporary crown for his tooth that had a cavity under one of his fillings.  Who knew that that can happen?  I guess his dental bill ended up more than my TMJ.  I stayed home while he went (unlike young missionaries who have to go everywhere together) and worked on making a few cards.  Sure do miss my craft supplies, but I will get to have fun with them when we are finished with our mission.  Anyway, he took so long coming back that I wondered if he had to have a root canal also, but really he stopped to get his hair cut on the way home.  It looks quite nice, so I think I had better go have my hair trimmed since the ends are getting that wild look and don’t behave the way I like. 

We had zone training which means that we need to be there an hour earlier than normal District Meetings.  Sister Benn had mentioned the night before that we were having Zone training or we would have arrived at 10:30 instead of 9:30 am.  We were up and out the door and sitting in the church parking lot at the Lampson by 9:10 am. There are one or two who come about 5 or 10 minutes early, but most of the missionaries don’t arrive until the very last minute.  Well, it was almost time to start and no one else had arrived.  So we texted our District Leader to make sure it was ZT and they texted back “Yes.”  Our response was, “WHERE?”  About that time we got a text from our sweet Sister Missionaries who realized we were not there at the meeting, and that we probably didn’t know that the Zone Leaders had changed the meeting to the Loara Building.  Short story …we were quite late!  Our ZL s now realize that they have to add our number to their list, because for some reason every time we get new ZL s our information doesn’t automatically transfer over. 

We also got to attend the temple on Friday morning with our District.  We were assigned to the 8:30 am session.  The traffic going south is pretty wild in the mornings but we left ourselves extra time to get there and arrived about a half hour early.  We were asked to be the witness couple which was special for us, and the young missionaries thought it was pretty cool also. 

This weekend was our stake conference and Elder Ghent an area authority was there.  It is always great to have a person who is a representative from the Brethren in attendance.  Most of the conference centered on helping the youth stay strong as well as the importance of scripture reading and attending the temple.  It was good to be reminded how much we are loved and things to do to become better.
With those highlights of the week I will close for now.  Have a great week.  Stay happy.  And…Go!   Fight!!    WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   J

Love, Sister and Elder Macbeth

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