Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Letter from Sarah - Meet the Mormons

If y'all haven't seen Meet the Mormons...HOLY HANNAH MONTANA!! Y'all gotta watch it! The whole thing is basically shot in the south! There is this shot where the black bishop is driving to Tuscaloosa (Alabama) I have never been to Alabama but holy cow the highway he is driving on looks JUST LIKE MISSISSIPPI!! Just everything about it! The church building EVERYTHING!! So everyone stop what you are doing and go and watch meet the Mormons!! We had a movie night at the church that we invited members and investigators to. IT WAS SO AWESOME!! One of them came up and hugged us afterwards and said "Oh my gosh! I think I finally get how your families feel now! We had four of our investigators there! But the movie is awesome, it will make you laugh, cry, and feel the Spirit!
     So this week has been especially hard because I have been trying to decide whether or not to go home. My dad and I decided that together we would decide on Monday (today). This past week as been especially bad pain-wise, which is extremely frustrating because the doctor gave me an inhaler to help manage pain. Usually I can work through the pain for at least one appointment a day. But not this week! But let me tell you a story about that!
    We were in missionary correlation (a missionary planning meeting) and I was in a lot of pain. So I told my companion I was going to go get water, but really I was planning on going into the kitchen to cry for a bit and then go back in. I go into the kitchen and one of the young women follows me in. What I am about to tell you is almost the exact dialogue we exchanged.
Aubrey "So do you like those meetings you have to go to?"
Sister White "Uh YEAH! We love the people we teach so much, so we are pumped whenever we get to talk about them or get help for them!" (Sister White thinks Aubrey is a member at this point and is just trying to inspire her to go on a mission)
Aubrey yeah Ma mah (southern for grandma) wants me to take lessons from the boy missionaries, you know..uh...Hernandez and castrejon?"
Sister White "NO WAY! That is awesome! So you are interested in learning about the church?"
Aubrey "Yeah I guess...I just dont get the whole we lived with God before this life and that we chose to come here thing.."
Sister White "Yeah? Well there is actually a scripture in the bible that explains that.."
Aubrey "haha you are gonna preach to me?"
*Sister White teaches/preaches about the pre-earth life
     But yeah it was awesome! I taught her about the word of wisdom and that God knows and loves her....AND I DIDN'T FEEL ANY PAIN!! I haven't been pain free since about a month ago when I got a glorious pain shot in Collins! (If anyone has any hook ups where I can get more of those, let me know!) It was amazing we just clicked! She asked me why I was so happy whenever I talked about "that stuff" and I got to tell her it was because it made me happy! She is 100% one of the people God sent me on a mission for! Right after we left though I returned to "oww it feels like my lunges are a really bad bruise".
    So you may say, "well its obvious you should stay on your mission!" So here is the pickle! Dont worry its kind of a good pickle. Aubrey is a foster child, she has led a hard life! Because of this we have to get permission from her caseworker to teach her. Her foster parents are members of the branch and they are not sure they will let us. SO! It is in Gods hands. If I can teach Aubrey, I have a purpose, I have a reason to work through the pain! And I will feel a lot more justified not being able to work, if it is because I have to stay and help one of the people I was sent on a mission for. I know He is okay with me leaving the ninety and nine for this little lamb named Aubrey.  But if not, I can't do this any more. I need to be able to sleep and to heal.
      So that is what is going on with Sister White!
Love y'all! I will let keep you updated!
Sister White

1 comment:

Carla and crew said...

there is a reason for everything, so hang in there! Blessings will follow, I know!