Monday, March 09, 2015

Letter from Sarah.  (Sorry, I didn't get the subject line.)  kp

   For those of you who need me to translate the subject line, that is homie for "the struggle is real".
This weeks email is going to be short, because I am so tired that I can barely stay awake at this stinking computer. I am DYING!  I have been sick for the length of a transfer! I got mad at Sister Frandsen last night because she told me she wouldn't cry if I I probably won't actually die. You know...gotta get that reaction if I am gonna let death overcome me...
     I went to the doctor this week...AGAIN!! What a surprise! You would think after that lame ER visit that I would have given up on the medical field! But no, and Sister Frandsen made me. AND GUESS WHAT! I gave her the whole shpeil about my lungs and all the other weird symptoms. And she paused for less than five seconds and said "sounds like the pneumonia has turned into severe inflammation, let me prescribe you  an anti-inflammatory and a rescue inhaler. Is there anything else I can do for you?"  Blew my mind!  So the pain has decreased a bit, but it's good because the attacks have gone away. I will pay a twenty dollar co-pay for that any day!  
      This week has been full of miracles and a lot of extra crud. We set Mary Helen Taylor (We like her full name a lot) with a date for may 15th when she didn't think she would be ready to get baptized in a YEAR! It was my miracle in exchange for the WHOLE 30 MINUTES OF TRACTING I DID!! Yeah it may not sound like much compared to the 7 hours we are asked...BUT IT KILLED ME! There have been other miracles but I forgot my journal in the house...
        Here is my spiritual story of the week! I was praying in our laundry room while Sister Frandsen was in the shower (it is dark and Sister Frandsen knows not to talk to me when I am in there...usually) and I started to ask God WHY? Why was this happening! I love this work and I only get 18 months to do it! I was so angry! Like I always do after I pray, I paused and listened for my answer. And clear as day I heard a voice (not God's voice) it was Elder D. Todd Christofferson from the Mormon message "The Will of God," and it said "I am the gardener, I know what I want you to be."
So go watch the Mormon Message and revel with me about how much smarter God is than us!
      I can tell you that He is my best friend, you can trust Him with your greatest desires. And if you ask Him to make you the person He wants you to be, He WILL!!!  I know that through the Gospel of Jesus Christ all mankind can be saved, but we can also be as close to God as we were when we lived with Him before we came to this earth. All you have to do is talk to Him, and talk to Him as much as you would with some one that you want to be friends with.
Sister White

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